National demand of marijuana is at an all-time high with public opinion shifting in favor of legalization more each day. In many states and Washington D.C., it’s now completely legal to grow, buy, and sell weed. Plus, harvest is just around the corner. So how should people with cannabis-related needs connect with one another? is a map-based marijuana app that directly connects those in the cannabis community through a live messaging service. LeafedIn users are segmented into four categories: Worker, Employer, Buyer, Vendor. While the service is as anonymous as you’d like it to be, each user has a profile specifying their specific needs (i.e., seeking trimmers for these dates, seeking extraction work, looking to purchase, looking to sell) with a rating system from other users that person has interacted with.
What separates LeafedIn is that it is a platform for all kinds of relationships for any level of participant in the marijuana industry and community, whether it be social, product, or employment based. So far, much of the media focus on LeafedIn has been around its buyer-to-vendor relationships, however there is an another equally important aspect of the service that is already being utilized by LeafedIn users: the connection between any variety of marijuana employers and the skilled labor they are looking for. Everything from your grower looking for a trimmer, to a shop looking for a budtender, to even larger established employers looking for high-level executive job functions can be found on LeafedIn. leverages individual profiles to showcase the work experience, user reviews, and specified skills of potential workers, while employers specify what roles, skill levels, and timing they are seeking employees to fill. Since LeafedIn has integrated a live-messaging service, employers can conduct basic interviews and conversations without requiring exchange of personal information or a long drive out west, while workers can get a feel for the person they’ll potentially be working for.
Recent enhancements, like the ability to add people to your “Favorites” list, allow users to save profiles they like, as well as send mass messages to them, a keyword search, and list view functionality that allows employers to search for desired traits like “extraction” or “trimmer” with ease. There has also been a huge redesign of the site and enhancements to its review features.
LeafedIn is taking off in the buyer-to-vendor element in Washington D.C., Denver, and other major cities where marijuana is legal for recreational or medicinal use, establishing itself and sticking to its activist roots by still providing the service for free. Now it’s the marijuana employers and employees that have started to catch on like wildfire as LeafedIn has proven itself to be an effective, easy, and technologically sound tool for both marijuana employers and their worker counterparts.