What You Need to Know about Medical Marijuana and the Mind

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The move to legalize cannabis for medical purposes in America has sparked the discussion about the effects of the drug on the brain, and whether it is ideal to use it to treat psychiatric disorders.

Sadly, however, much of the studies have to be carried out on those who have smoked the drug for recreational reasons and not medical purposes. There are very few people who use weed for medical purposes.

A review carried out by the American Medical Association also found out that the research still remains sparse. This was one of the factors that made the association urge the federal government to make reconsideration in classifying medical0 schedule 1 controlled substance. This prevent it to be used as both creational and medical drug.

However, consensus have proven that medical marijuana could help treat several medical conditions in 1999, the Institute of Medicine found that marijuana is the best to treat pain, especially nerve pain, it increases appetite for those who have HIV AIDS as well as controlling chemotherapy related vomiting and nausea.

On the other hand, the Institute of Medicine said that marijuana should only be used as a form of treatment if other pain relief drugs don’t work on patients. Research that were done later on found out the core findings by IOM and recommendations were actually true. There are also other studies that have supported the use of marijuana in treating various psychiatric conditions. However, there still need to be physical evidence and benefits than documented risks, especially for youths who use cannabis.

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Important points to note:

Medical marijuana is ideal for treating various medical conditions such as nausea and nerve pain. However, there isn’t sufficient evidence to recommend cannabis as the ideal treatment for psychiatric disorder. In fact the risks are documented quite well, and include psychosis, addiction as well as anxiety.

Challenges with medical marijuana delivery

Cannabis is extracted from the hemp plant. The plant features over 400 chemicals. However, researchers have found out that there are two main chemical that have adverse effects on the mind: cannabidiol and Delta 9- Tetrahydrocannabinol also referred to as THC.

THC is the one responsible for many effects of the drug, particularly on the central nervous system. The chemical prompts the cannabinoid receptors causing various chemical reactions that lead to cannabis’ physical and psychological effects, both the positive and negative effects.  There isn’t much known about the cannabidiol, but it is believed to produce sedation. But it also may contain antipsychotic, neuro-protective and anti-inflammatory effect. But the research is very unreliable at the moment.

Therefore the delivery of this drug still remains a major challenge. However, the FDA has recently approved the use of two important pills that have THC. The marinol is mixed with synthetic THC with sesame oil. Most of the ingredients in the drug are normally metabolized when the body is digesting, therefore, less than 20 percent of the dose gets to the bloodstream


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