8 Odd Facts that you Should Know About Marijuana

Marijuana Leafedin

If you think that you know everything about marijuana, you might be mistaken. People who continue to use marijuana have stated that they do so because of the benefits they get from it. They think that it completes something that they lack and some even believe that using it gives them a clear idea of who they are and what they want to become in real life.


But why do we need to know about marijuana facts? Why do we need to learn some basic knowledge about the plant that other people go crazy about?


Learning about the beginning can give you a head’s up in understanding better why marijuana has become an all-time trend, making its way from the ancient times to the modern society that we know now.


Marijuana and Its Other Names


Marijuana or also known as cannabis, its legal term, can be referred to by a lot of other names that is mostly used colloquially or in the streets. It can be called pot, weed, Mary Jane, grass and a lot of others terms.


The reason for this is because marijuana is illegal in some countries and they need to fashion a new name for it every time authorities grew suspicious of what they have or trade in.


Things you should know about Marijuana


  1. Some vitamins in China are laced with the leaves of cannabis. Parents use this to make their kids gain weight. Marijuana components include stuff can get you feel famished and sleepy right after eating. This can cause you to gain weight immediately.


  1. Bob Marley revolutionized the usage of marijuana. He became the live symbol of the plant by promoting it for the relaxation of the mind and meditation. Marijuana has become part of Bob Marley’s legacy, and he was able to incorporate it to his followers and fans.


He also mentioned that marijuana has helped him discover what is lacking in this world and tried to use the effect of marijuana to compose songs about peace and love.


Bob Marley is just one of the greatest artists who proudly admitted that they are using marijuana to improve their art. Among others was John Lennon, who was a proud cannabis user during the 60’s. He was a prolific marijuana user and used it to promote world peace during the hippie era.

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  1. Marijuana leaves can also be used to make a rope or turn it into fabric to be used for clothing and other materials. Marijuana’s fibers are harvested to turn into a great line that can hoist up heavy objects.


  1. Smoking marijuana has different effects on gender. Women are found to have the tendency to be more reliant on it than men. Research was conducted on male and female rats, and the female is more highly susceptible to the adverse effects of the plants due to the high level of estrogen present in women that can cause harmful side effects.


  1. Marijuana medical benefits extends even for your pets. According to study, dogs or cats who suffered unexplainable illness can be given a minuscule amount of the plant as it promotes soothing and healing. The dosage of the marijuana plant given to pets should be well-regulated and under a healthy precaution since too much can be fatal.


  1. The air in some cities in Italy is found to have been laced with marijuana. In a 2012 study conducted in Italy and to its cities, the air was found to have a little substance of marijuana. The reason for this is still unknown, but a theory suggests that this is due to the bulk load of people using marijuana in the same area.


  1. Planting and harvesting the marijuana plant can be proven fatal. There has been a reported marijuana-related health problem in Albania. The affected people are found out to be living near an illegally planted marijuana area.


Most of the common symptoms are vomiting and stomachache. This is also due to constant contact with the station. This only proves that too much marijuana is fatal.


  1. Not all marijuana plant is green in color. Some cannabis, especially those grown indoor is brown in color.


Just like any other plant, marijuana has proven to not only be just a plant that has addicting properties; it is also a plant with multiple uses and purposes. So, the next time you see a marijuana plant, you’ll know that it is more than just a plant.



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